
MMP Books and More in the New Lovecraftian Story Bundle!


We here at MMP HQ know that discerning Migraineers like a certain je ne sais quoi vis a vis your Weird Fiction! It has to push boundaries, must strain at the gates of innovation, and above all, entertain in ways that your standard Lovecraftian narrative simply can’t! (This is the 21st Century, after all.) Which is why we’re very pleased to announce our humble inclusion in the new weird fiction bundle from StoryBundle! It’s curated by Nick Mamatas (’nuff said!) and features some of the best groundbreaking authors around, many of whom have appeared in MMP books. Six books in the Basic StoryBundle, and another six in the Bonus StoryBundle that riff on the themes in the Basic! We could go on (and will, over the course of the next couple of weeks) but this is a LIMITED TIME OFFER and we’d rather you not waste time listening to us jaw on! Instead, here’s Curator Nick Mamatas with the skinny! Links to purchase below as well!

The Lovecraft Bundle

curated by Nick Mamatas

H. P. Lovecraft is undoubtedly one of the most influential writers of the pulp era, leaving an indelible mark on the last hundred years of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Not only is Lovecraft a central element of genre fiction today, he has ascended to the heights of mainstream literature, thanks to editions of his stories published by the definitive Penguin Classics and Library of America lines. Lovecraft was also a cult writer whose themes were explored in underground comics, in rock music, film, and fine art. And this all while being the sort of racist, anti-Semite, and homophobe that would exclude him from dinner parties…even during his own era.

For a long time, Lovecraft’s mantle was carried in the small press, where slavish pastiche and careful avoidance of his politics were rules to be carefully followed. These days, however, Lovecraftian fiction is wider and more diverse. His themes and voice are being remixed, detourned, and exploded by a new generation of writers, and his distasteful opinions critiqued and parodied. This Lovecraftian Literature bundle explores the Lovecraftian idiom in a diversity of ways, from intense erotica to beat literature, from neo-pulp fun to theological exegesis.

Among the goodies in this bundle is the World Fantasy Award-winning anthology of She Walks in Shadows edited by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, a bundle-exclusive collection Home from the Sea by pulp master William Meikle, the Pynchonesque (!) Lovecraftian military thriller duology Radiant Dawn/Ravenous Dusk by Cody Goodfellow, a real-life attempt at “keeping it R’lyeh” by examining the metaphysics of Lovecraft’s vision of the universe by Scott R Jones…and a whole lot more!

And StoryBundle’s a cool form of alternative publishing, letting indie and small press authors join together to present bundles that pack a whole lot of reading into a price that you choose (as long as it’s $5 or above). For that $5 you get the basic bundle of six books in any ebook format. $15 (or more if you want to support the writers even further) gets you the bonus books as well.

The initial titles in the Lovecraft Bundle (minimum $5 to purchase) are:

  • When The Stars Are Right by Scott R Jones
  • RESONATOR: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond edited by Scott R Jones
  • Gateways to Abomination by Matthew M. Bartlett
  • Sword and Mythos by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • The Nickronomicon by Nick Mamatas
  • Radiant Dawn by Cody Goodfellow

If you pay more than the bonus price of just $15, you get all six of the regular titles, plus SIX more!

  • Home From the Sea by William Meikle
  • Priestess: The Collected Blackstone Erotica by Justine Geoffrey
  • Cthulhusattva: Tales of the Black Gnosis edited by Scott R Jones
  • She Walks in Shadows by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • Move Under Ground by Nick Mamatas
  • Ravenous Dusk by Cody Goodfellow

This bundle is available only for a limited time via It allows easy reading on computers, smartphones, and tablets as well as Kindle and other ereaders via file transfer, email, and other methods. You get multiple DRM-free formats (.epub and .mobi) for all books!

It’s also super easy to give the gift of reading with StoryBundle, thanks to our gift cards – which allow you to send someone a code that they can redeem for any future StoryBundle bundle – and timed delivery, which allows you to control exactly when your recipient will get the gift of StoryBundle.

Why StoryBundle? Here are just a few benefits StoryBundle provides.

  • Get quality reads: We’ve chosen works from excellent authors to bundle together in one convenient package.
  • Pay what you want (minimum $5): You decide how much these fantastic books are worth. If you can only spare a little, that’s fine! You’ll still get access to a batch of exceptional titles.
  • Support authors who support DRM-free books: StoryBundle is a platform for authors to get exposure for their works, both for the titles featured in the bundle and for the rest of their catalog. Supporting authors who let you read their books on any device you want—restriction free—will show everyone there’s nothing wrong with ditching DRM.
  • Give to worthy causes: Bundle buyers have a chance to donate a portion of their proceeds to Mighty Writers and Girls Write Now!
  • Receive extra books: If you beat the bonus price, you’ll get the bonus books!

StoryBundle was created to give a platform for independent authors to showcase their work, and a source of quality titles for thirsty readers. StoryBundle works with authors to create bundles of ebooks that can be purchased by readers at their desired price. Before starting StoryBundle, Founder Jason Chen covered technology and software as an editor for and

An Embarrassment of Lovecraftian Goodies


Ladies and ghouls, Migraineers of all ages, shapes, and oneiric frequencies: is this not a glorious time to be alive? Do we, as consumers of weird media, not paddle, nay, SWIM, in a deep lake, no! pounding cataract, wait! a vast boiling sea of cosmic horror goodness? Can any age previous to ours come close to the variety and sheer creative joi de vivre of the current crop of weird fictioneers producing films, audio dramas, animations, comics, and lest we forget, actual books? Filled with readable stories, even? We here at MMP HQ say “no”. No age can compare, and so we invite you not to try, because your time is valuable. Instead, relax, and know that we sit on the crinkly fractal edge of a golden age, pushing forward into unheard of terrors and wonders! Ours is an embarrassment of riches.

Yup. It’s pretty cool.

For instance, just take a look at this widdle old screenshot from …


Why, yes, well spotted! That is our own Cthulhusattva: Tales of the Black Gnosis, sitting cheek by jowl with Paula Guran’s weighty and wonderful Mammoth Book of Cthulhu and the slow literary burn of the Lovecraft eZine’s Autumn Cthulhu (edited by the redoubtable Mike Davis), its pages redolent with the aroma of woodsmoke and existential despair. These, friends and readers, are the books that discerning Lovecraftian tastemakers BUY TOGETHER! And, it should be noted, at a not insignificant total cost. That’s 40 bucks and change American! Our Canuck brainmeats boggle at the exchange rate. What a thing!

It’s clear to us, as items like this come to our attention, and as we thrill to unprecedented sales of Cthulhusattva, that you like (maybe even love?) what you’re reading, from our humble press and that of others, and we here at MMP HQ feel that such naked joy and enthusiasm for all things R’lyehian and weird in general should be rewarded. So, as a small token of our own appreciation, we present to you the following FREE OFFER…

If you’ve purchased, through Amazon, a copy (physical or digital) of Cthulhusattva: Tales of the Black Gnosis, along with one or more of the books above (or indeed any other suitably Cthulhu-riffic tome or tomes), simply forward an electronic copy of your Amazon digital receipt to and we will gift you with a random MMP ebook in the format of your choice. We’re going to leave this offer open until August 31, 2017.

It’s our way of saying thank you. Thank you for being weird, for reading, for putting your money where your passions are, and above all, for Keeping It R’lyeh.

Stay tuned to this space for new of our themed anthology for 2017! Submission guidelines will be posted before the week is out!

Martian Migraine Press
The Best Kind of Headache

Cthulhusattva Pre-Order Contest


Ladies and ghouCthulhusattva_3D_cover_smallls and gentle-entities, Migraineers of all shapes sizes and dimensional vibrations, we are happy to announce to all that the Pre-Order Contest for the MMP 2016 anthology project, Cthulhusattva: Tales of the Black Gnosis, is officially open! Below you’ll find 3 OPTIONS for delivery of this topical tome of eldritch enlightenment, all of which include shipping & handling AND offer the book to you at a reduced price of $13.99 (regular retail will be $16.99 but this includes the physical and electronic editions of the book) … all of which is fine, surely, but what of the contest? you ask! And you are right to ask it. Yes. Here, friends and weirdos, are the details…

The first 100 PRE-ORDERS (made before Monday May 23 2016) will be placed in a random drawing for the following four Cthulhusattva Prize Packs

The winner of this prize pack receives their copy of Cthulhusattva (in both the physical and digital formats) and will also receive a digital copy of both the 2015 anthology RESONATOR and When The Stars Are Right: Towards An Authentic R’lyehian Spirituality! Electronic books! Not just for electronic book nerds anymore!

The winner of this prize pack receives their copy of Cthulhusattva as above and will also receive a physical copy of both the 2015 anthology RESONATOR and When The Stars Are Right: Towards An Authentic R’lyehian Spirituality! Because you can’t show off an e-book on your shelves, now, can you? Nuh uh.

The winner of this prize pack receives their copy of Cthulhusattva as above, physical copies of RESONATOR and When The Stars Are Right and a special limited edition t-shirt (the design for which we are keeping secret for now, but, if you know the roster of MMP artists, you know it’s gonna be great!)

This is it. True enlightenment. The Black Gnosis in its most potent form. The searing blasts of the Deadly Light brought to bear fully upon the hallowed winner. A copy of Cthulhusattva (physical and digital). Copies of RESONATOR and When The Stars Are Right. The special limited edition t-shirt. And a signed print of the cover art by Alix Branwyn. Nuff said.

100 will enter R’lyeh. Only FOUR will win cool bonus swag. And the rest will receive our finest anthology yet. (So, really, all win. Win!)

If you’re in the USA or CANADA, select that option from the drop-down menu below and click the button below that to be whisked away to PayPal for processing! Likewise if you’re in the UK or EUROPE. Why, there’s even an option for folks who live even further afield than that! So, get clicking, pre-order up, and stay tuned to Martian Migraine Press for updates on this contest, interviews with Cthulhusattva authors, and news as it happens!

UPDATE: Contest has closed, as of midnight Friday May 13 (purchasing options have moved to the Cthulhusattva page, here). Winners of the four prize packs are listed below:

4th Prize — KAREN ESTES of Berkely CA USA
3rd Prize — STEVE ROSENSTEIN of Arlington MA USA
2nd Prize — MAYA MADSEN of North Highlands CA USA
1st Prize — GREG BLANCHETTE of Tofino BC Canada

Martian Migraine Press: the Best Kind of Headache
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