Posts tagged Red Monolith Frenzy

Two Shudderingly Fine BLACKSTONE Reviews
0Erotiterrorist and Lovecraft fan Shon Richards (Violatrix, Dark Lords of the Earth) has been in the game for a while, we understand, so when he says that the climactic scene of Justine Geoffrey‘s RED MONOLITH FRENZY took his breath away, we’re inclined to stick a shoggoth-barb in our hat! Thanks Shon. We love Justine (and we’re not just saying that because she used the Triple-Word on us!) and we’re glad more folks are coming round to her unique brand of weird arousal!
Shon’s full review here > Dirty Books: RED MONOLITH FRENZY
And it’s not just fellow smutketeers singing Justine’s praises: UK bizarro writer Ade Grant (author of The Mariner and Seeker) calls the “dreamlike freedom” of PRIESTESS “thoroughly endearing” and is pleased to find in Justine’s work a bracing alternative to the cookie-cutter erotica that dominates the market these days. Says Grant: “You won’t find any Christian Grey’s in the pages of Priestess, but you might just find a Charles Dexter Ward, juiced up on a heady concoction of LSD and Viagra.”
Ade’s full review here > “Can I stick it there? Well I won’t know until I try!”

PRIESTESS Cover Reveal with Art by Jim Pavelec
0We’re releasing the first volume of Justine Geoffrey‘s collected Blackstone Erotica series, PRIESTESS, on Friday September 13, but we’re so tingly in our design-nethers about the cover that we’re going to give all you Migraineers (that’s what we’re calling MMP readers now, take note!) a little preview! Graphic design by the MMP DesignDroid5000 (as per usual) and artwork by none other than Jim Pavelek, whose gorgeous grotesques have graced the interiors of many a gaming manual, covers of Dark Horse Comics Eerie title, and his own Hymns and Wretched Offerings to the Golden Ones. We think this piece captures the Blackstone story at a crucial moment and drops hints of the monstrously arousing things yet to come!
PRIESTESS will contain both full Blackstone novellas, Red Monolith Frenzy and Green Fever Dream, as well as both of the Blackstone SUMMONINGS shorts, Summonings: Anicka and Kamil and Summonings: Yvette’s Interview … AND excerpts from Blackstone Book 3 Yellow Sign Bound and Justine’s sci-fi gonzo erotica novella, Orgy in the Valley of the Lust Larvae … PLUS a special essay on the weird-erotica writing experience from the lady herself! If it were a printed tome, your bedside table would collapse beneath the weight of it! But it’s not: only densely packed and ordered electrons and those, friends, are made of light. Or something like it. It’s not heavy, is what we’re saying.
PRIESTESS (Blackstone Volume 1)
by Justine Geoffrey
AVAILABLE in all e-reader formats

JustineG Feels the Hebridean Love for BLACKSTONE Erotica
0Calum MacIver, a UK based blogger on all things underground, trashy, and hell, fun, has been digging into Martian Migraine Press author Justine G‘s weird-erotic opus BLACKSTONE Erotica series lately. Check out these excerpts from his reviews of Red Monolith Frenzy, Green Fever Dream, and the two (so far!) Summonings books…
“The plot is intriguing, the writing is smooth and elegant and there are some really clever turns of phrase that help the forward momentum and at the same time deliver an intriguing off-kilter feel. The combination of bizarre perverted sex, weird supernatural elements and insane cosmic horror all work in perfect unison to make Red Monolith Frenzy a magnificently entertaining read and the perfect combination of Lovecraftian creepiness, freaky erotica and cosmic horror.” (Read more on Calum’s KVLT KVLTURE blog)
“The plotting is breakneck with little opportunity to catch a breath between one mad scene or insane situation, but the writing compliments the furious pace with ease; smooth, easy to follow and with just the right touch of mystery to keep the reader fully engaged and wanting more. Some of the passages and phraseology are excellent -redolent of Lovecraft but with their own unique spin: “I witnessed its kin as they performed unholy rituals of staggeringly alien beauty in dripping caverns of onyx and mother-of-pearl”. The psycho-sex is literally out-of-this-world, hot and freaky with the cosmic horror elements masterfully integrated into the overall story – the climax is pure Lovecraft but done in a whole new way … an excellent read and a worthy second instalment in the Blackstone series…” (Read more on Calum’s KVLT KVLTURE blog)
“The two Blackstone books provided hugely exciting slices of bizarre Lovecraftian sex and wild cosmic horror – the two Summonings books follow in the same vein and if anything amp up the madness to new levels. Summonings: Anicka and Kamil, in particular, delivers an eye-watering, brain-scrambling sex sequence between Anicka, Kamil and Daoloth. It’s not often that I’ve read something google-eyed in amazement, but the climactic sequence in this was like nothing I’ve read before – imaginative, crazy, bizarre, sick and absolutely brilliant! In comparison Summonings: Yvette’s Interview is positively calm and restrained, but that said it is still a surging, throbbing Lovecraftian quagmire of weirded-out transgressive cosmic sex and alien-black witchery. I cannot recommend this series highly enough.” (Read more on Calum’s KVLT KVLTURE blog)
Can YOU handle something this eye-watering and brain-scrambling? Yeah? Well, PROVE IT, ladies and genotypes. Get down and squelchy with Justine G’s BLACKSTONE Erotica series today! And head on over to KVLT KVLTURE for a truly exhaustive (and pleasantly exhausting!) round-up of all things awesome; Calum is doing the good work, we’re convinced.