Posts tagged new anthologies

Cthulhusattva Pre-Order Contest


Ladies and ghouCthulhusattva_3D_cover_smallls and gentle-entities, Migraineers of all shapes sizes and dimensional vibrations, we are happy to announce to all that the Pre-Order Contest for the MMP 2016 anthology project, Cthulhusattva: Tales of the Black Gnosis, is officially open! Below you’ll find 3 OPTIONS for delivery of this topical tome of eldritch enlightenment, all of which include shipping & handling AND offer the book to you at a reduced price of $13.99 (regular retail will be $16.99 but this includes the physical and electronic editions of the book) … all of which is fine, surely, but what of the contest? you ask! And you are right to ask it. Yes. Here, friends and weirdos, are the details…

The first 100 PRE-ORDERS (made before Monday May 23 2016) will be placed in a random drawing for the following four Cthulhusattva Prize Packs

The winner of this prize pack receives their copy of Cthulhusattva (in both the physical and digital formats) and will also receive a digital copy of both the 2015 anthology RESONATOR and When The Stars Are Right: Towards An Authentic R’lyehian Spirituality! Electronic books! Not just for electronic book nerds anymore!

The winner of this prize pack receives their copy of Cthulhusattva as above and will also receive a physical copy of both the 2015 anthology RESONATOR and When The Stars Are Right: Towards An Authentic R’lyehian Spirituality! Because you can’t show off an e-book on your shelves, now, can you? Nuh uh.

The winner of this prize pack receives their copy of Cthulhusattva as above, physical copies of RESONATOR and When The Stars Are Right and a special limited edition t-shirt (the design for which we are keeping secret for now, but, if you know the roster of MMP artists, you know it’s gonna be great!)

This is it. True enlightenment. The Black Gnosis in its most potent form. The searing blasts of the Deadly Light brought to bear fully upon the hallowed winner. A copy of Cthulhusattva (physical and digital). Copies of RESONATOR and When The Stars Are Right. The special limited edition t-shirt. And a signed print of the cover art by Alix Branwyn. Nuff said.

100 will enter R’lyeh. Only FOUR will win cool bonus swag. And the rest will receive our finest anthology yet. (So, really, all win. Win!)

If you’re in the USA or CANADA, select that option from the drop-down menu below and click the button below that to be whisked away to PayPal for processing! Likewise if you’re in the UK or EUROPE. Why, there’s even an option for folks who live even further afield than that! So, get clicking, pre-order up, and stay tuned to Martian Migraine Press for updates on this contest, interviews with Cthulhusattva authors, and news as it happens!

UPDATE: Contest has closed, as of midnight Friday May 13 (purchasing options have moved to the Cthulhusattva page, here). Winners of the four prize packs are listed below:

4th Prize — KAREN ESTES of Berkely CA USA
3rd Prize — STEVE ROSENSTEIN of Arlington MA USA
2nd Prize — MAYA MADSEN of North Highlands CA USA
1st Prize — GREG BLANCHETTE of Tofino BC Canada

Martian Migraine Press: the Best Kind of Headache

ToC Announced for RESONATOR: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond


We won’t sugarcoat it, Migraineers… the selection process for our annual anthology this year was a grueling one. Our eyeballs bled some, our pineal glands require some form of etheric massage (so if you’ve got a line on that, or you know a guy, give us a call, please!) and we are this close to never wanting to read another manuscript again! But, the slush pile, which once held just under 150 stories, has been plumbed, sifted, agonized over, and finally reduced to the 17 stories (including that one by Mr Lovecraft, because it would be weird not to include the story that inspired the anthology, right? Right) which will appear in RESONATOR: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond! And, as an early Christmas present, here, in alphabetical order (because we haven’t yet worked out the kinks in the story order yet) are the fine authors (some new, some old, all preternaturally cool) who will be appearing in the book (due in paperback and ebook formats in March 2015)…

Machine Will Start When You Are Start — Matthew M. Bartlett
IPO — Darrin Brightman
Bug Zapper — Richard Lee Byers
Infernal Attractors — Cody Goodfellow
Programmed To Receive — Orrin Grey
Parasitosis — Lyndsey Holder
Turbulence — Scott R Jones
Deresonator — Leeman Kessler
From Beyond — H P Lovecraft
Resonator Superstar! — Anya Martin
Ninesight — Christine Morgan
The Happiness Machine — Edward Morris
The Wizard of OK — Scott Nicolay
Professor Hilliard’s Electric Lantern — Robert J. Santa
The Divide — Damir Salkovic
Film Maudit — Christopher Slatsky
Satori — Rodney Turner

With stunning psychedelic cover artwork by the inestimable Nick Gucker, RESONATOR: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond will be a book you’ll want to place face-out on your shelves! Watch this space for more details and make sure to also follow Martian Migraine Press on Facebook and Twitter @MartianMigraine as we inch ever closer to that terrible moment when we throw the industrial-grade knife-switch on this puppy!

Martian Migraine Press: the Best Kind of Headache!
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