Sure, he’s got a voice like the fragrant lubricating honey of alien bees poured over the red-hot workings of some kinda sexy murder-machine. And yeah, his spoken weirdness is pulled from the top drawer of the Weird Bureau and then rubbed all over his thoroughly unusual genitals before delivery to a gleeful audience, as Nature intended. Plus, the guy looks great in a suit.

But were you aware that SKAWT CHONZZ (Plutonian Crime Lord and the only anti-poet to be treading the stage at the Verses Festival / Canadian Individual Poetry Slam this week in Vancouver) is also altruistic as fuck? IT’S TRUE.

Enjoy some grainy video of skawt in his natural habitat below, and then head on over to >> this link << to pick up a FREE COPY of his genuinely disturbing occult-themed “poetry” chapbook R’LYEH SUTRA (now in electronic form), from Martian Migraine Press. Yes, if you’re attending any of the slam bouts at the Verses Festival this week, you’ll no doubt be laying down some cash for glorified folded and stapled 8.5×11″ copy paper but only skawt chonzz gives away precious, highly refined electrons that work on any computing device for free!

That’s just the kind of crime lord he is. Enjoy!