Posts tagged contest

0“Laugh all you want, motherf**kers.
You’re forgetting one thing. Or rather, three things.
words… “
— from Red Monolith Frenzy Book 1 of the Blackstone series by Justine G
Yes, that Triple-Word of Power sure lets our Justine get away with a lot in the Blackstone series! And she’s never hinted at the actual words, nope, not anywhere in the text, and never in our personal interactions with her either. Which, to be completely honest, we’re rather thankful for, all things considered. As primal ur-spells go, the Triple-Word is a doozy!
Yeah, whatever those dread phonemes are, she’s keeping them to herself. Of course, that doesn’t mean we can’t hold a little contest for Migraineers in advance of the release of PRIESTESS (Blackstone Volume One) next FRIDAY the 13th!
Guess correctly and win a copy of PRIESTESS and one other MMP title of your choice! Hint: it’s seven syllables in total, and it’s a classic.
Get your guesses in to us by email ( OR follow us on Twitter @MartianMigraine and tweet your guess to us there OR like Martian Migraine Press on Facebook and post your answer to our wall. Justine will view all entries and select the lucky boys, girls, and assorted entities who get it right. While we try not to look on, because some things? Some things you can’t unsee.
However you do it, just do it, and do it BEFORE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 13! Because that’s when the contest closes. All correct guesses will receive their prize just in time to start reading on Friday the 13th!

SOFT FROM ALL THE BLOOD Contest Winner! It’s the Wendigo…
2(The answer. Not the winner. The Wendigo isn’t the winner. That would be weird…)
Congratulations to Riley “Jerreth” Vandall, the winner of our little trivia contest earlier this week! He receives a copy of S R Jones‘ Soft From All The Blood for guessing that the northern creature in question is, in fact, the Wendigo: everyone’s favourite cannibal spirit!
However, Vandall tripped up on the bonus question. Sure, Algernon Blackwood’s The Wendigo is certainly the most well-known, and seemingly, the first of the macabré tales featuring the beast to be published… but it’s not. It’s not the first.
This means the bonus question (and the mystery prize that goes with it) is still up for grabs! So…
Who was the author of the first published tale of the Wendigo?
Hint #1: publication occurred in the 19th century…
Hint #2: eight years after publication, the author became a president of something…
First correct answer in the comments below wins the mystery bonus prize!

Win A Free Copy of ‘Soft From All The Blood’ by S R Jones!
2We’ve been momentarily possessed by the spirit of fellow Canuck, Alex Trebek, and as such we’re feeling in a quiz show mood! Whaddaya mean, “he’s not dead”? Well, that’s just weird.
Ready for some (possibly) obscure mythological trivia? Alright, here goes!
In S R Jones’ horror story The Frozen (collected in Soft From All The Blood) the monstrous presence encountered by the narrator at a remote northern lake is referenced as “the father” of what supernatural creature?
Hints: the creature is of Algonquin First Nations origin, and has appeared in numerous macabré tales of the wild North throughout the 20th century.
The first person to comment below with the correct answer will win a free copy of Soft From All The Blood in the e-reader format of their choosing! And if you can also correctly guess the author of the first published story featuring the mystery creature, there’s a mystery bonus prize available.
Sound easy? Think you’ve got it? Ooh, the bonus story question, too, eh? Careful, that bonus question is tricky. Contest closes the moment we have a winner!