Posts tagged pornography
Sure, It’s A Pornographic Book, But Is THIS A Pornographic Cover?
2Well, we suppose it had to happen eventually: the great and powerful Amazon got around to Martian Migraine Press Erotica titles in their review process, and have found ONE of our covers for JustineG‘s BLACKSTONE Erotica series worthy of a wrist slap…
We’re cool with it, obviously, and will make the changes they request (not least because Kindle is our biggest market so far), but we are also shaking our collective head, because THIS is what they are considering to be too far out in the sea of smut…
We guess bare midriffs are somehow pornographic now? Migraineers, what do YOU think? Granted, Summonings: Anicka & Kamil is one of Justine’s more transgressive little tales (that final scene alone is pretty squicky, in a “getting it on with a Lovecraftian deity” way, not to mention that there’s some incest in there, but hey, when in Stregoicavar!) so getting a wrist slap for the cover is, frankly, a lucky thing already, but… come on.
Let us know what you think, folks: good call on the part of Amazon? Or weird paranoid raving? We’ll take comments below, natch, and we’d be happy to get this retweeted and linked to widely.
UPDATE (mere minutes after the MMp DesignDroid5000 was tasked with creating a “less censorship triggering cover”)…
We’re going with this now…
suppose only time and the random thrashings of Azathoth will tell whether this appeases the Amazon censor-bots. Our guess is no but what will it say about the legitimacy of said bots if they say yes, this is OK? Interesting times, friends. Interesting times, indeed.