Posts tagged ebooks

Get Your Walpurgis On!
0SPRING! And a young entities fancy turns to eldritch couplings beneath a black monolith, doncha know!
Now, in case you haven’t guessed already, we here at Martian Migraine Press are, largely, a pack of feral perverts, which is to say: WE UNDERSTAND YOU. We know the days and nights leading up to May Eve hold a certain special frisson for the initiate and un-initiate alike. And we also know that this season calls for particular needs to be met, else the Avatar of Nyarlathotep look askance at you during the penultimate rites. And Migraineers, we don’t want to leave you in the lurch! We want the Black Man to smile upon y’all!
SO! To that end, we present our May Eve Electronic Book Special! From today through to May 1 2015, a veritable blow-out of the Strange and Sensual, and a swell(ing) Contest besides! Yes, for only TEN CANADIAN DOLLARS, you can purchase our Walpurgis Pack of Weird Erotica. The package includes the following ebooks (in your preferred ereader format): PRIESTESS: The Collected Blackstone Erotica (Volume 1) and Orgy in the Valley of the Lust Larvae by Justine Geoffrey; our 2013 anthology CONQUEROR WOMB: Lusty Tales of Shub-Niggurath, and the first and second issues of our magazine of weird erotica, NECRONOMICUM! That’s FIVE TITLES and a few HUNDRED THOUSAND words of utterly original smut and mind-melting horror! Over $20 worth of fiction for only 9.99CDN, delivered to your inbox almost instantly (within 12 to 24 hours after ordering). And, when you order your Walpurgis Pack, your name will be entered into a drawing to win a paperback copy of Bobby Derie’s seminal work of Mythos scholarship, Sex and the Cthulhu Mythos (from Hippocampus Press — Justine G reviews the book here) … only FIVE WINNERS will be drawn, CONTEST CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT MAY 1, and we’ll announce the names of those fortunate winning beings on May 2.
Martian Migraine Press: the Best Kind of Headache!

The Times Are Interesting For Erotica
4We open our inbox this morning to find a little encouraging missive from the Amazon content mavens: Your book is available in the Kindle Store, it says. Huzzah! Seems our response to the giant’s request for a cover change to JustineG‘s Summonings: Anicka & Kamil was met with approval by whatever bizarre metric they use. Now, considering that THIS is what upset them…
… we wonder how it is that THIS met with a nod (electronic or otherwise) of acceptance?
Again, we feel it’s very likely that the bare midriff and possibly the almost discernible navel piercing in the original cover was what put the censor-bots on alert. And yet! And yet the second, revised cover is clearly far more porn-y than the original. Our second girl isn’t even wearing a top and her expression is about as cheesy and wanton as you could expect. That’s some straight-up Hustler-style imagery there. (Note: image is fair use, not taken from Hustler)
All that being said, it’s not even the cover imagery that is at issue here. That we’re putting down as simply an interesting experiment. The issue is the moral tempest-in-a-teacup that the recent ebook censorship blow-up illuminates. As Daily Grail contributing editor Ian Vincent @catvincent tweeted yesterday…
I’ll believe the Amazon/Kobo/WH Smith erotica ban is a moral act the second they pull 50 Shades Of Grey. No? Didn’t think so.
To that sentiment we heartily agree. Especially when we consider that much of the fury surrounding this issue is ebooks with “questionable” or “immoral” content, content that the censors apparently scan for using keywords provided by the authors. Now, Summonings: Anicka & Kamil, as we mentioned in our last post, is a transgressive little bomb of a book in this regard. In fact, “transgressive” is one of the keywords we used when originally putting the thing on the Kindle Store shelves. But that’s only one of the seven keywords we chose. Here are the others…
weird sex
Yup, the ancient privilege of royalty and gods, right there in the open, and still there after the first sweep of the Amazonian censors. Hell, we’re not even shy about it in the description of the book!
Blackstone readers briefly met Anicka, teen witch and High Priestess of Stregoicavar, and her handsome idiot brother Kamil in BLACKSTONE Book 1: RED MONOLITH FRENZY. In ‘SUMMONINGS: Anicka and Kamil’, we learn what these wicked siblings get up to when the incense is smoking and the incantations are called. Dark sex and black sorcery like you’ve never read before!
Oh Kamil. You handsome idiot. What a pair you and your sis are!
So, just what is going on over at Amazon, we ask? Based on this, our admittedly limited experience with censorship at their hands, let us venture this as a fair estimate of Amazon business practice vis a vis erotica ebooks and the prudish “think of the children” fuss they occasionally have to deal with (we seem to remember something similar to this blowing up a year and a half ago?)…
It’s nothing, folks. A wrist slap here and there, a hoop or two to jump through to satisfy groups that, once mollified, will forget that such books even exist. Certainly such people aren’t reading them now and if they do, well, that’s their dirty little secret and they’re welcome to it. It’s our hope that Amazon and Kobo et al. get the whole thing sorted out in a way that benefits all parties, and we’re reasonably confident that they will, because despite all the public hand-wringin’ and mollycoddlin’, erotica titles are a large part of their profits. The smut is not going away. So keep writing, keep putting it out there. Yes, the times are interesting for erotica production and consumption, but hey! News flash! It’s always been interesting out here in the smut mines.
Having posted all this, perhaps we’ll get hoisted on our own petard soon and find our entire catalogue of Justine’s books pulled from the shelves. (Orgy in the Valley of the Lust Larvae, anyone?) We’ll keep you updated, Migraineers.