Posts tagged free ebook

An Embarrassment of Lovecraftian Goodies
0Ladies and ghouls, Migraineers of all ages, shapes, and oneiric frequencies: is this not a glorious time to be alive? Do we, as consumers of weird media, not paddle, nay, SWIM, in a deep lake, no! pounding cataract, wait! a vast boiling sea of cosmic horror goodness? Can any age previous to ours come close to the variety and sheer creative joi de vivre of the current crop of weird fictioneers producing films, audio dramas, animations, comics, and lest we forget, actual books? Filled with readable stories, even? We here at MMP HQ say “no”. No age can compare, and so we invite you not to try, because your time is valuable. Instead, relax, and know that we sit on the crinkly fractal edge of a golden age, pushing forward into unheard of terrors and wonders! Ours is an embarrassment of riches.
Yup. It’s pretty cool.
For instance, just take a look at this widdle old screenshot from …
Why, yes, well spotted! That is our own Cthulhusattva: Tales of the Black Gnosis, sitting cheek by jowl with Paula Guran’s weighty and wonderful Mammoth Book of Cthulhu and the slow literary burn of the Lovecraft eZine’s Autumn Cthulhu (edited by the redoubtable Mike Davis), its pages redolent with the aroma of woodsmoke and existential despair. These, friends and readers, are the books that discerning Lovecraftian tastemakers BUY TOGETHER! And, it should be noted, at a not insignificant total cost. That’s 40 bucks and change American! Our Canuck brainmeats boggle at the exchange rate. What a thing!
It’s clear to us, as items like this come to our attention, and as we thrill to unprecedented sales of Cthulhusattva, that you like (maybe even love?) what you’re reading, from our humble press and that of others, and we here at MMP HQ feel that such naked joy and enthusiasm for all things R’lyehian and weird in general should be rewarded. So, as a small token of our own appreciation, we present to you the following FREE OFFER…
If you’ve purchased, through Amazon, a copy (physical or digital) of Cthulhusattva: Tales of the Black Gnosis, along with one or more of the books above (or indeed any other suitably Cthulhu-riffic tome or tomes), simply forward an electronic copy of your Amazon digital receipt to and we will gift you with a random MMP ebook in the format of your choice. We’re going to leave this offer open until August 31, 2017.
It’s our way of saying thank you. Thank you for being weird, for reading, for putting your money where your passions are, and above all, for Keeping It R’lyeh.
Stay tuned to this space for new of our themed anthology for 2017! Submission guidelines will be posted before the week is out!