


It is the Yuletide, that men call Christmas though they know in their hearts it is older than Bethlehem and Babylon, older than Memphis and mankind. It is the Yuletide, and we here at MMP HQ have some Saturnalian-next-level gifts for the weird-reader on your list to consume all Goya-style, if that’s their bent. AND WE KNOW IT IS.

From Friday December 20 through to Christmas Eve, The Ecdysiasts (a flash fiction collection by Scott R Jones), will be free for download to your Kindle or Kindle-enabled device from (where else?) the juggernaut that is Amazon, right here. Don’t have a Kindle? Well, you’re probably still a good person, and for that reason alone, if you’d like your free PDF or EPUB file of The Ecdysiasts, simply pop us a little Christmas card (or, y’know, an email, we’re not picky) indicating how you’d like your MMP Xmas gift formatted and we will get it out to you within 24 hours. Maybe even sooner, because we are frighteningly efficient that way.

Also, during that same time period, Justine Geoffrey’s collected Blackstone erotica volume, PRIESTESS (with killer cover art by Jim Pavelec), will be discounted with the Kindle program’s new Countdown Deal promotion. Starting at $0.99 on Friday December 20 (the deep discount! Starts on the 21st in the UK) and getting progressively more expensive each day until Christmas, when it shall return to its usual pricing. Yes, it’s wacky, and we’re not sure how interesting that will make the book, but there it is. We’re all about the experimentation at MMP.


Speaking of which, our latest lab work down in the steaming porn vats of Amazon is an experiment in (re)packaging. We love Justine’s Blackstone series, of course,  and think it’s just fine the way it’s presented, odd titles and all. Red Monolith Frenzy is, for us, evocative of so much subtle deviancy that we are loathe to change it. And yet, dinosaur erotica. Yes, saurian-based smut does better at the end of the day. So, a test: with Justine’s approval, we’re stripping down the Blackstone series to bare text files (no extra graphics or links), re-covering them for maximum pop, and re-titling the stories with the ever-popular prefix Taken by the [ BLANK ]. This is strictly for new readers on Amazon, of course, (we won’t be featuring the titles here on the MMP site, so as to avoid confusion) and at $0.99 we’re semi-confident that we’ll see a pick-up in sales for Ms Geoffrey’s excellent work. And in case you’re already a Blackstone fan with the original books on your device, don’t worry, the new stripped down Sex & Horror series is clearly labelled with a “previously published as…” caveat, so there’s little chance of doubling up. Unless of course you feel like doubling up, in which case go ahead, we won’t say no. Here are the covers so far. Wish us luck!


Submissions are now closed for the second Martian Migraine Press annual anthology, Conqueror Womb: Lusty Tales of Shub-Niggurath. Our editors would like to thank everyone who sent in work and are even now beginning their first tentative dips into what Editrix Justine has termed her sploosh pile. (Get it? Slush pile, sploosh pile? Hyuk. Archer reference.) We’re told there are a lot of woodland orgies in the sploosh so far, which was expected. Geoffrey and Jones will be reading over Christmas and starting to make yea-or-nay decisions by New Years. If you’ve submitted a piece for consideration, expect a response on or before January 15, 2014, and if you haven’t heard from MMP by then, do please drop us a line. Conqueror Womb: Lusty Tales of Shub-Niggurath is set to birth horribly into the world the second week of February, just in time to serve as a cautionary collection of tales for Valentine’s Day. Ah, breeders… you know not what you do!

Martian Migraine Press: the Best Kind of Headache

Anthropocalypse Now Free Promo


To celebrate the recent release of the e-chapbook edition of 2 Dope Boys In A Cadillac’s ANTHROPOCALYPSE NOW and the 3rd Annual Victoria Spoken Word Festival (in which Dope Boy Johnny MacRae is Poet of Honour, and Dope Boy shayne avec i grec is part of the ensemble cast), Martian Migraine Press is pleased to offer said e-chapbook as a FREE DOWNLOAD for whatever e-reader type machine you might currently be fondling, publicly or privately! We don’t judge!

This promo will run from midnight of Wednesday February 27 through to midnight Friday March 1, so get em soon. Y’know, while the electrons are super-fresh!

If you’re a Kindle user (either the device itself, or one of the many Kindle apps available for, oh, pretty much every phone, tablet, and PC out there) then scoot your digital butt over to the ANTHROPOCALYPSE NOW Amazon page for a shockingly instantaneous download.

If you’re a Kobo or Nook or Sony eReader type entity, then click right HERE for a nifty EPUB file.

If you consume your media via a PC, then the PDF file for you is right HERE.

ANTHROPOCALYPSE NOW! Like their manifesto says:

January NEWSCLUSTER: Orgy In The Valley Of The Lust Larvae and Other Updates


A few updates…

  • All our Author Pages, Book Pages and of course, the Bookstore itself, have been updated. We had some broken links, apparently, but now all is repaired. Our Erotica pages were becoming rather unwieldy, actually, and we’re happy to have those nicely trimmed down now!
  • Justine G’s gonzo sci-fi erotica novella ORGY IN THE VALLEY OF THE LUST LARVAE is now available for purchase in our Bookstore, on its own page, and of course for your Kindle via Amazon. Straight up? We realize that Justine’s predilection for “artsy” titles to her books, sans the usual smutty keywords, have probably not helped her sales over the past couple of months, so we’re keen to see what a title with two pretty obvious keywords does for that. As always, we are quite happy to see reviews thrown on the Amazon page for ORGY…: every little bit helps, so, if you’ve bought and read and enjoyed / suffered a reaction to it, please let others know!
  • The 1 Year Anniversary of our weird little press is coming up! We published our first title, S R JonesSoft From All The Blood, in March of last year. So, to celebrate, we’re putting together the Martian Migraine Press Year One Sampler, which will be absolutely free to download! Featuring previously published and new work by all our authors and plenty of bonus material!
  • We’re currently sitting down with Canadian spoken word dynamos 2 Dope Boys In A Cadillac re: releasing the electronic edition of their amazing Anthropocalypse Now chapbook. More details to come, but as of this moment, this moment right now, we are v. excited about this!

Martian Migraine Press: the Best Kind of Headache

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