January NEWSCLUSTER: Orgy In The Valley Of The Lust Larvae and Other Updates
A few updates…
- All our Author Pages, Book Pages and of course, the Bookstore itself, have been updated. We had some broken links, apparently, but now all is repaired. Our Erotica pages were becoming rather unwieldy, actually, and we’re happy to have those nicely trimmed down now!
- Justine G’s gonzo sci-fi erotica novella ORGY IN THE VALLEY OF THE LUST LARVAE is now available for purchase in our Bookstore, on its own page, and of course for your Kindle via Amazon. Straight up? We realize that Justine’s predilection for “artsy” titles to her books, sans the usual smutty keywords, have probably not helped her sales over the past couple of months, so we’re keen to see what a title with two pretty obvious keywords does for that. As always, we are quite happy to see reviews thrown on the Amazon page for ORGY…: every little bit helps, so, if you’ve bought and read and enjoyed / suffered a reaction to it, please let others know!
- The 1 Year Anniversary of our weird little press is coming up! We published our first title, S R Jones‘ Soft From All The Blood, in March of last year. So, to celebrate, we’re putting together the Martian Migraine Press Year One Sampler, which will be absolutely free to download! Featuring previously published and new work by all our authors and plenty of bonus material!
- We’re currently sitting down with Canadian spoken word dynamos 2 Dope Boys In A Cadillac re: releasing the electronic edition of their amazing Anthropocalypse Now chapbook. More details to come, but as of this moment, this moment right now, we are v. excited about this!
Martian Migraine Press: the Best Kind of Headache