PRIESTESS Cover Reveal with Art by Jim Pavelec
We’re releasing the first volume of Justine Geoffrey‘s collected Blackstone Erotica series, PRIESTESS, on Friday September 13, but we’re so tingly in our design-nethers about the cover that we’re going to give all you Migraineers (that’s what we’re calling MMP readers now, take note!) a little preview! Graphic design by the MMP DesignDroid5000 (as per usual) and artwork by none other than Jim Pavelek, whose gorgeous grotesques have graced the interiors of many a gaming manual, covers of Dark Horse Comics Eerie title, and his own Hymns and Wretched Offerings to the Golden Ones. We think this piece captures the Blackstone story at a crucial moment and drops hints of the monstrously arousing things yet to come!
PRIESTESS will contain both full Blackstone novellas, Red Monolith Frenzy and Green Fever Dream, as well as both of the Blackstone SUMMONINGS shorts, Summonings: Anicka and Kamil and Summonings: Yvette’s Interview … AND excerpts from Blackstone Book 3 Yellow Sign Bound and Justine’s sci-fi gonzo erotica novella, Orgy in the Valley of the Lust Larvae … PLUS a special essay on the weird-erotica writing experience from the lady herself! If it were a printed tome, your bedside table would collapse beneath the weight of it! But it’s not: only densely packed and ordered electrons and those, friends, are made of light. Or something like it. It’s not heavy, is what we’re saying.