Posts tagged Red Monolith Frenzy

Grok This NEWSCLUSTER! Reviews, Previews, Artwork!


Folks, it’s been a while since we dropped some mad Martian Migraine Press knowledge on you, so here goes: gird your loins for a NEWSCLUSTER!

We’re told by our author SRJones that his auto-ethnographical non-fiction book, When The Stars Are Right: Towards An Authentic R’lyehian Spirituality, is nearly complete. “It’s reading less like a work of Lovecraftian apologetics now, and more like a wigged-out crank religious text,” he says. “Which bothered me, initially, but I’ve since decided to just go with it. Y’know, git mah crank on.” CRANK AWAY, sir! We’re looking forward to getting our editing mitts on the thing, and we’re excited by some of the early illustrations coming in from Michael Lee MacDonald, an illustrator from Victoria BC, that Jones has tapped to provide cover and interior artwork! Check out this mock-up our DesignDroid5000 slapped together on a down-cycle!

Originally we had been looking at Lovecraft’s birthday for the release of When The Stars Are Right, but, since this is going to be our first actual physical book-type consumable product (as well as our usual electronic edition) and since we’d like to do this up right (or at least as right as possible — is anything ever truly perfect? Hmm) there is a possibility that the release date may be pushed towards Halloween. Appropriate, yes? Yes. And of course, Jones’ weird musings on all things squamous and spiritual will be available for pre-order. Follow Martian Migraine Press on the twitter @MartianMigraine for updates as they happen!

Martian Migraine Press authors have been getting some truly lovely reviews lately! Here’s just a sampling…

Jordan Stratford (author of Mechanicals) on JustineG’s ORGY IN THE VALLEY OF THE LUST LARVAE

Low-brow, squelching fun. You don’t grab a book like this on literary merit, you dive headfirst into unapologetic escapism. It is unrepentant camp without resorting to self-satire (which shows admirable restraint). There’s a lot informing this – Lovecraftian subtext and J-Pop tentacle hentai, even French New Wave surrealism a la Moebius and the Métal Hurlant crowd, Laloux’s La Planète sauvage – Like a Ray Bradbury Theater rerun gone horribly, horribly wrong. It is a fever-dream of adolescent-imprinting and sexual development during the era of underground VHS cult. Deviant, imaginative, grotesque and what-the-hell-else-were-you-expecting-exactly-with-this-title. The name promises, the text delivers. It’s a three dollar bid to see how the author can top this title with her next foray into pulp depravity. Seriously, there is simply no better answer to “What are you reading?” while sitting next to someone on a train.

Calum MacIver (UK blogger at Kult Kulture) recently picked up Justine’s BLACKSTONE Erotica series and here’s some of what he had to say about that…

Red Monolith Frenzy is a superb read; fast moving, cleverly constructed and delivering both a knowledgeable Lovecraftian pastiche (honourable mentions of The Unaussprechlichen Kulten of von Junzt, Pnakotic Manuscripts and the Hidden Plateau of Leng) alongside the slippery, slimy cosmic sex that Lovecraft sublimated in most of his best work.  The plot is intriguing, the writing is smooth and elegant and there are some really clever turns of phrase that help the forward momentum and at the same time deliver an intriguing off-kilter feel.  The combination of bizarre perverted sex, weird supernatural elements and insane cosmic horror all work in perfect unison to make Red Monolith Frenzy a magnificently entertaining read and the perfect combination of Lovecraftian creepiness, freaky erotica and cosmic horror.  All the other books in the Blackstone Erotica series are queued on my Kindle.

You can read the full review over on the Kult Kulture site here. Calum also has some nice things to say about us! Clearly, we’re happy to have him as a reader.

Finally, a discerning reader makes favourable comparisons between Nick Mamatas’ Cthulhu Senryu and our own skawt chonzz’s R’LYEH SUTRA. We’re not surprised, per se, but we have had our hair blown back a bit. Having chonzz in the bullpen here at MMP HQ has never been… easy. But reviews like this make it worth the drain on our psyches and various glands…

Exploring new ground in Mythos poetry, skawt chonzz’ avant garde verse recalls some of the more experimental and daring works from THE STARRY WISDOM: A Tribute to H P Lovecraft and Songs of the Black Wurm Gism: The Starry Wisdom Part 2 (Creation Oneiros). Like Nick Matamas’ Cthulhu Senryu, R’lyeh Sutra can be enjoyed both from a straight reading and at a higher level, reflecting on how skawt chonzz uses and refers to the Mythos – often in ways that might surprise some of the more hidebound Mythos fans!

Yes, if you’re a “hidebound Mythos fan”, Martian Migraine titles may not be for you… but if you can grok a little originality with your Old Ones, then we might hit that sweet spot in your soul.

NEWSCLUSTER: Blackstone Shorts, A Book of R’lyehian Spirituality and A Sorrowful Sparlock


It’s been a little while since our last update. Summer, that desolate season, tends to take it out of us here at MMP HQ and we are only just now getting back into the general swing. Also, we get it into our collective Head that somehow news-y type updates require a certain explosive quality with lots of bright and also shiny. Bundles of informational excitement. And when that combustibility isn’t right there on the surface, we tend not to bother with lighting what fuse there may be.

News is news, though, and as Martian Migraine Press readers, you deserve to hear it, preferably when it happens. And so, here is some. We’re taking to calling these NEWSCLUSTERS now: morsels of chewy stuff, hopefully tasty, possibly explosive. Consume at your own risk.

First off: MMP authors spreading their contagion elsewhere! Our author S R Jones has submitted a story called The Other Side of Zero to the zombies-in-Canada anthology Dead North, coming out from Exile Editions in the fall 2013. And Justine G has a story being considered by Dagan Books for the second edition of their hugely popular weird erotica anthology Cthulhurotica. It’s called In The Stacks and it is pure Justine, just the way we like it. We’re excited for our boy and girl and we’ll announce how they do with these submissions as soon as we hear!

Justine G announces BLACKSTONE Shorts

With our glands still ringing from the free promo back in August for Justine G’s RED MONOLITH FRENZY (Book 1 of her BLACKSTONE Erotica series), we’re happy to announce that sales of both Books 1 and 2 are doing well, and that Book 3, YELLOW SIGN BOUND, should be available by the end of October. We’d love a release for Halloween, natch, but Justine has her speaking tours and other dark what-not keeping her busy, so that’s a tentative release announcement, understand. She’s not the kind of lady we’d feel comfortable rushing. What with the hexing and all…

Good news for BLACKSTONE fans, however! Miss Geoffrey has told us she has a number of short pieces written, featuring characters in the BLACKSTONE universe. Ever wonder what the sorceress Anicka and her cretin brother Kamil get up to in the summoning circle? Curious as to what took place between Professor Gravesend and Cranston in the shadow of the Black Stone? How did the gorgeous ice-queen Yvette fall under the spell of Evangeline Waite?

The devil is in the details, friends, and SUMMONINGS: Blackstone Shorts will provide those in decadent packets of dark eroticism and darker magic. Each short tale (between 3 and 5000 words) will link up with the main BLACKSTONE narrative, filling out the incredible tale of one woman’s insane quest for cosmic power and mind-blowing sex. SUMMONINGS: Anicka and Kamil is first up! Expect that disturbing little gem in the first week of October.

When The Stars Are Right: skawt chonzz and the Rise of R’lyeh

Our author and poet/spoken word artist skawt chonzz has sent us some initial material towards a non-fiction book of what he’s calling “R’lyehian Spirituality”: when you strip away the goofy horror from Lovecraft’s fiction, and then go a step further and excise the half-assed pseudo-magical practices accrued to HPLs Mythos by the post-modern geek consumer, what are you left with? According to chonzz, a remarkable set of antinomian practices and a way of moving through the world that could perhaps be described as a kind of “dark side Zen”. Is Cthulhu an emergent property of human consciousness? What is the Black Gnosis?

When The Stars Are Right: Towards An Authentic R’lyehian Spirituality will be our first release in both ebook and print editions, with a release date and book launch party in Victoria, BC on August 20, 2013. Yes, Lovecraft’s birthday. Of course. We’re fairly excited about it, actually: this is not another faux-Necronomicon. More an examination of Lovecraftian themes and theology, some of which chonzz has touched on in poetic-fashion with his acclaimed chapbook R’LYEH SUTRA. We’re lining up our print connections and speaking with illustrators, even.  Updates as they happen.

Sparlock In The Trash Bin, Sadly…

And now a bit of awful news to finish: our plans for an anthology of tales of and about Sparlock the Warrior Wizard have come to naught, and all for lack of interest. Sparlock, for those who don’t know, is the cheap plastic toy that debuted in a hilariously unaware indoctrination video “for kids” put out by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society this past summer. You can find the video here… we don’t know what we expected really. Perhaps a deluge of submissions from former and ex-Jehovah’s Witness apostate writers spinning hilarious and trenchant takes on Sparlock, Caleb, Caleb’s mom and the infamous ‘Tower? Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what we expected. Also, it’s what we didn’t get. So, sadly, The Chronicles of Sparlock is not a thing that will happen. Submissions are closed.

Interested in Martian Migraine Press output so far? Check out our Bookstore or pop over to this Amazon page and peruse!

it’s only a little game, so let us play a little

Martian Migraine: the Best Kind of Headache



Well, we’re still not entirely convinced that the whole Amazon KDP free promo weekend deal-i-oh does a title any particular good in the long run, but then again, we haven’t tried it yet with our erotica titles, have we? No. No, we haven’t.

That’s about to change.

Tomorrow, Friday August 10, through to Sunday August 12, we will be raising up for sacrifice to the reading hordes (and yes, to Mammon, if we’re being honest) the first book in Justine G’s horny horror-fest of a series, BLACKSTONE Erotica: RED MONOLITH FRENZY!

We’re kinda excited about it, actually. The recently released second book, GREEN FEVER DREAM, is doing alright, but we figure it can’t hurt to introduce readers to the book that started it all. So, here’s the link > RED MONOLITH FRENZY: Book 1 BLACKSTONE Erotica < and here’s our request of you, the loyal Martian Migraine Press consumer: this weekend, GO and GET IT. And once you’ve downloaded it, tell your friends to do the same. And then read it! Read it and then be a dear, would you? Pop some reviews on to the page once you’re done.

OK, perhaps that’s a lot of steps, but we know you’re up for it. We’d love for RED MONOLITH FRENZY to hit #1 in the Erotica listings! Do it for Justine! Do it for Lovecraft! Do it for high quality, novella-length smut!

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