Posts tagged Nick Gucker

RESONATOR Front Cover Reveal
0Nick Gucker, as has been mentioned before here and elsewhere, is the 21st Century Lee Brown Coye, a Weird illustrator of the first water, so you know we here at MMP HQ were seven kinds of excited to commission from him the cover art for our upcoming anthology, RESONATOR: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond. Mr Gucker was also a complete pleasure to work with and watching his creative process was a real privilege. The piece he created is called Primal Spermatozoa Oblongata Enlightenment … sure, it’s a mouthful, but if your pineal gland is sufficiently stimulated, you shouldn’t have too much trouble with it.
But hey, you didn’t click on the FRONT COVER REVEAL tease link to hear us go on about the sordid backroom dealings of micro-publishing. You came for a cover. And here it is…
Want to WIN a high-quality SIGNED PRINT of Nick Gucker’s ORIGINAL ART for RESONATOR ? Head on over to the PRE-ORDER PAGE for the anthology: the FIRST 40 READERS to pre-order the paperback edition will have a ONE-IN-TEN CHANCE to win a print, more than suitable for framing.
Martian Migraine Press: the Best Kind of Headache!

A Cover Tease from Nick the Hat!
0Are we excited to be working with celebrated weird artist Nick “The Hat” Gucker on the cover for RESONATOR: New Lovecraftian Tales From Beyond? You know it! The man’s a latter day Lee Brown Coye and his wildly energetic renderings of monstrous creeping psychedelia are just the ticket for our upcoming anthology of trans-dimensional horror! And so, a quick tease from Nick … a handful of clips from his preparatory sketches. Slivers, really, but we hope they whet your appetite for more!
Submissions close for RESONATOR in four days, and then the difficult work of making our final editorial selections begins. There’s only a few spots left to fill of the 15 stories that will make up this anthology, so the cage-fighting in the Maybe folder will be fierce! Ah, who are we kidding? It’s already fierce! But the results will be worth it. Follow us on Twitter @MartianMigraine to stay up-to-date on this exciting new project!