Posts tagged book launch
Smut and Spirituality for Spring!
0A double-header Newscluster for you this morning, Migraineers! Some smut and spirituality to start off your Spring!
CONQUEROR WOMB goes FREE on Kindle for a Limited Time…
First off: the Spring has sprung! the grass is riz! And if you’re wondering where the Black Goat of the Woods is, well babies, She is over in the Amazon Kindle store where she’s been since we put her there, gathering followers and great reviews. And in celebration of the Vernal Equinox, she’s making herself all free and easy for your reading pleasure and beyond! That’s right. CONQUEROR WOMB: Lusty Tales of Shub-Niggurath is going on a bit of a gratis orgy. Pick up your Kindle edition of CW (with stories by Wilum Pugmire, Molly Tanzer, Christopher Slatsky, Kenton Hall, Christine Morgan, Jacqueline Sweet, Brian M Sammons, and others) FREE TODAY THROUGH SUNDAY MARCH 23rd.
Oh, and a quick note about the cover to CW… you may recall our censorship troubles with the Big A regarding the awesome cover art by Scottish comics wunderkind Garry Mac (“Too many nursing titties!” they said. “Nine is too many!” they whined.) Well, we’ve managed a work-around on that, too: you get the un-censored cover graphic in the body of the text now. Everybody happy! (We hope.)
And don’t forget to send your Amazon email receipt to to get your Conqueror Womb bonus e-book, DARK/YOUNG, with a story each by editor Justine Geoffrey (BLACKSTONE Erotica) and author Jess Gulbranson (Antipaladin Blues)
The pre-order period for getting your early paperback copy of Scott R Jones’ game-changing book, When The Stars Are Right: Towards An Authentic R’lyehian Spirituality, is now over. Which means we’re launching the Damned Thing into the world officially. You can order your physical copy or your EPUB and PDF e-versions HERE, or, if you want to start digesting Jones’ dark wisdom immediately on your Kindle or Kindle-enabled device, you can head on over to the Kindle store HERE to have it delivered via Amazon’s WhisperNet in literally seconds.
We’re hoping you’ll want to talk about When The Stars Are Right once you’ve been infecte–… we mean, once you’ve enjoyed the book, so, a reminder about hashtags for the social media: we’re trying to get #KeepinItRlyeh (or, alternatively, #KeepingItRlyeh with a G in there, for you grammar Nazis), #Cthulhusattva, and #BlackGnosis trending. Use those while gibbering about your reading experience on Facebook or Twitter, or when dropping some review-action on the book, and we’ll notice! We are all about noticing things like that.