Posts tagged anthologies

CHTHONIC: Weird Tales of Inner Earth NOW AVAILABLE

The cavern mouth awaits, as does the cistern with hidden depths, the tunnel that twists and writhes, the abyssal space that hums with unknown activity. Note the faint glow to the walls as you descend: mere phosphorescent fungi…
or something more peculiar?
There is a sound of rushing water that you can’t place, and the suggestion of drums and strange flutes in the deep. The rock vibrates beneath the soles of your feet, and your headlamp flickers, fails. But then, you knew it would, eventually. This place is not for you,  but here you are.
Welcome to CHTHONIC: Weird Tales of Inner Earth.


Martian Migraine Press presents seventeen diverse tales of subterranean horrors and abyssal wonder.
CHTHONIC: Weird Tales of Inner Earth features stories by Ramsey Campbell, Gemma Files, Nadia Bulkin, Antony Mann, H. P. Lovecraft, Aaron Besson, Christopher Slatsky, Adam McOmber, John Linwood Grant, Scott Shank, Sarah Peploe, Orrin Grey, S. L. Edwards, Belinda Lewis, David Stevens, Adam Millard, and Tom Lynch . With cover art by Lucas Korte, interior illustrations by Fufu Fruenwahl, and an introduction by editor Scott R Jones.
Only $11.99USD for paperback or $6.99 via paypal


CHTHONIC Authors and ToC Announcement


The selection process for the next MMP anthology reflected the theme, Migraineers. There was a sensation of compression, a certain claustrophobia to our reading of the (literally teeming, like worms, or molemen!) submissions, a shortness of breath, a distinct impression that time, and air, and light were in short supply. And, like light glimpsed dimly in some noisome cavern world, the stand out tales were instantly attractive, obvious choices. So, we reached out and grasped them, bringing them into our little book of underground terrors and marvels! Here they are, then, the authors and their stories, some well known, some new, as is our custom, and in no particular order as yet. We’ll release the final order of the ToC closer to the on-sale date, which, incidentally, will be 5 December 2017, with pre-orders becoming available a month previous to the on-sale date. Also, please stay tuned to MMP for the next open submissions call for the first of our 2018 anthologies! That announcement before the end of this week. Thanks for reading with Martian Migraine Press!

CHTHONIC: Weird Tales of Inner Earth ToC

H. P. Lovecraft
The Rats in the Walls

John Linwood Grant
Where All Is Night, and Starless

Aaron Besson
A Song for Granite Khronos

Gemma Files
The Harrow

Scott Shank
Nivel del Mar

Nadia Bulkin

Christopher Slatsky
Tellurian Facade

Adam McOmber
The Re’em

Antony Mann

S. L. Edwards
Volver Al Monte

Tom Lynch
The Writhe

Belinda Lewis
The Dragons Beneath

Sarah Peploe

Adam Millard
Tending the Core

Orrin Grey
Hollow Earths

Ramsey Campbell
The End of a Summer’s Day

David Stevens
Some Corner of a Dorset Field That Is Forever Arabia


‘A Breath from the Sky’ ToC Announcement


Migraineers. Hello. It has been a while since our last post. Indeed, said post was the announcement of the open submissions call for A Breath from the Sky: Unusual Stories of Possession, lessee, oh … six months ago. Ah. That long? Yes. Terribly sorry, but we’ve been actually busy with … A Breath from the Sky: Unusual Stories of Possession! Ta da!

It’s true, the last few months have been hectic. We received here at MMP HQ well over 500 submissions for review and without going too deep into the process, the experience has been a tad harrowing. We’re ready now, though. Ready to reveal the 20 stories and authors which will appear in our fifth anthology (21 if you count Howard Lovecraft’s seed story The Colour Out of Space … and we do! We do) BUT before we do that, a brief word of thanks to the many writers worldwide who a) got excited about the theme and b) acted upon that excitement enough to write something they thought we’d like before c) actually sending it in! We know how hard that final step can be, and we’re humbled and grateful that you took it, all. Thank you. Good, great, and amazing stories were read, but in the end only a few passed the bar we’d set for this book. And here they are (in random order; the final order of the ToC has yet to be determined)…

by Erica Ruppert

by Garrett Cook

by Sam Grieve

by Cody Goodfellow

But Thou, Proserpina, Sleep
by Megan Arkenberg

Open Fight Night at the Dirtbag Casino
by Gordon White

by Anton Rose

The Evaluator
by Premee Mohamed

by Jonathan Raab

The Monsters Are Due in Mayberry
by Edward Morris

The Colour Out of Space
by H. P. Lovecraft

Skin Suits
by Autumn Christian

Master of the House
by Matthew M. Bartlett

The Stuff
by Andrew Kozma

by Morgan Crooks

by Sam Schreiber

Echo Hiding
by Rodney Turner

A Thousand Mothers
by Aaron Vlek

Bog Dog
by Seras Nikita

Everything Wants to Live
by Luke R. J. Maynard

We Don’t Talk About the Invasion Anymore
by L Chan

A Breath from the Sky: Unusual Stories of Possession will be edited and introduced by Scott R Jones. Cover art by George Cotronis (you can see a portion of the art above, full cover reveal coming soon!). The anthology will be available in both trade paperback and electronic formats. Exact release date TBD but we are looking at late June, early July.

If you are a reviewer and are interested in an electronic Advance Review Copy of A Breath from the Sky, please email MMP at with the subject line “BREATH eARC” and we will put you on the list to receive one when they’re ready. Make sure to indicate your preferred ebook format (mobi, epub, or PDF). Physical ARCs will become available closer to the release date.

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